Environment Variables


The @nrwl/nx-cloud requires the NX_BRANCH environment variables to be set. For many CI providers (e.g., GitHub Actions), the runner is able to set it automatically. For others, the variable will have to be set manually. If you set it manually, note that NX_BRANCH has to be set to a PR number for the GitHub integration to work.


You can also configure the access token by setting the NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN takes precedence over the accessToken property. It's common to have a read-only token stored in nx.json and a read-write token set via NX_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN in CI.


The Nx Cloud plans distributed task execution based on the available information from the running agents. Due to asynchronous nature of CI jobs, an agent might not have been created or started at the moment when DTE is initiated. Setting NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION_AGENT_COUNT to say 8 will inform Nx Cloud to assume that there will be 8 agents running. This can have an impact on better distribution of the tasks and allocation of the agents.


Setting NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION_STOP_AGENTS_ON_FAILURE to true will tell Nx Cloud to stop agents if a command fails. When set to false (default value), you need to make sure to invoke nx-cloud stop-all-agents even if CI fails.


Setting NX_CLOUD_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION to true enables distributed task execution.


You can set the encryptionKey property in nx.json or set the NX_CLOUD_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable to enable the e2e encryption of your artifacts. In this case, the artifacts will be encrypted/decrypted on your machine.


Setting NX_CLOUD_ENV_NAME will prefix all your commands so you can easily distinguish them in the UI and in GitHub comments. For instance, if you run the same set of commands on Windows and Linux machines, you can set NX_CLOUD_ENV_NAME to win on the Windows agent, and linux on Linux agents.


By default, Nx Cloud requests will time out after 10 seconds. NX_CLOUD_NO_TIMEOUTS disables the timeout.


Setting NX_VERBOSE_LOGGING to true will output the debug information about agents communicating with the main job. This can be useful for debugging unexpected cache misses and issues with Nx Private Cloud setups.